Use our handy GPA calculator to check on your academic progress, through a projected GPA value based on your expected grades in each course.
Allen Center
The Allen Center provides specialized and coordinated support for students transitioning between programs or campuses, re-enrolling after time away, exploring leaving the university, experiencing academic difficulty, or who are experiencing significant barriers to graduation. Our goal is to ensure every student can achieve success at OHIO and beyond.
Academic AdvisingYour Success Advisor provides coordinated and supportive guidance regarding academic planning, career development and experiential learning.
Academic AdvocacyWhether you need help overcoming an obstacle, navigating a policy, or developing an academic success plan, our team is ready to assist with challenges big or small.
Returning to 51社区Welcome back! We are here to help you reenroll and reengage in an inspiring academic community so you can reach your goals.
Leaving 51社区Taking time away from 51社区 is a big decision. We can help you have smooth transition. If you plan to return after taking time away, we can help you plan for that too.
Major ExplorationUnsure about your academic or career goals? We can help you discover a path that aligns with your interests, skills, and career aspirations.
Degree Completion HelpStudents who need help reenrolling, changing their major, completing their degree part-time, changing to online learning, or transferring in credit hours can meet with a Degree Completion advisor.
Academic CoachingAcademic coaches provide support with overcoming procrastination, becoming motivated, conquering test anxiety, learning how to improve your study skills, and more!
Academic Probation 101Learn about academic probation policies, calculate your GPA, and connect with resources to support you as you bounce back. We believe in you!
Schedule an Appointment
We offer appointments virtually via Teams or in-person in the Walter Student Success Center. Students with questions may also contact us at 740.566.8888 or
Students with questions about their schedule, their academic program or early career preparation would best be served by contacting their assigned academic advisor.
Resources for Advisors
The University provides many resources to its advisors to assist them in providing accurate and timely information. Your college student services office is a great place to direct questions.